<select id="listMap" parameterType="Map" resultType="Map">
a.id as "id",
a.packet_task_id as "packetTaskId",
a.packet_define_id as "packetDefineId",
a.total_packet_count as "totalPacketCount",
a.packeted_count as "packetdCount",
a.status as "status",
a.start_packet_time as "startPacketTime",
a.end_packet_time as "endPacketTime",
a.packet_user as "packetUser",
a.create_user as "createUser",
a.create_time as "createTime",
a.last_user as "lastUser",
a.last_time as "lastTime",
a.delete_flag as "deleteFlag",
b.name as "packetName",
c.audit_user as "auditUser",
c.audit_time as "auditTime",
b.serial_number as "serialNumber"
<include refid="table_name"/>
inner join t_basic_packet b on a.packet_define_id = b.id
inner join t_flow_packet_task c on a.packet_task_id = c.id
where a.delete_flag = 0
<include refid="condition_sql"/>
<include refid="listmap_and_countmap_oneday_keyword_condition"/>
<if test=" _sort !=null and _sort != ''">
order by ${_sort}
<if test="_order !=null and _order != ''">
select a.id as "id",
a.packet_task_id as "packetTaskId",
a.packet_define_id as "packetDefineId",
a.total_packet_count as "totalPacketCount",
a.packeted_count as "packetdCount",
a.status as "status",
a.start_packet_time as "startPacketTime",
a.end_packet_time as "endPacketTime",
a.packet_user as "packetUser",
a.create_user as "createUser",
a.create_time as "createTime",
a.last_user as "lastUser",
a.last_time as "lastTime",
a.delete_flag as "deleteFlag",
b.name as "packetName",
c.audit_user as "auditUser",
c.audit_time as "auditTime",
b.serial_number as "serialNumber"
from t_flow_packet_sub_task a
inner join t_basic_packet b on a.packet_define_id = b.id
inner join t_flow_packet_task c on a.packet_task_id = c.id
where a.delete_flag = 0
and a.status = 4
order by a.create_time
desc limit 0,20
然后我就去查a,b,c三张表有没有我需要的那个字段了,如果有的话就好办了,结果查了下发现没有,那没办法,只能join多一张表来拿到那个字段,下边就是inner join多了一张d表的sql(d.packet_instance_id就是我需要的字段):
select a.id as "id",
a.packet_task_id as "packetTaskId",
a.packet_define_id as "packetDefineId",
a.total_packet_count as "totalPacketCount",
a.packeted_count as "packetdCount",
a.status as "status",
a.start_packet_time as "startPacketTime",
a.end_packet_time as "endPacketTime",
a.packet_user as "packetUser",
a.create_user as "createUser",
a.create_time as "createTime",
a.last_user as "lastUser",
a.last_time as "lastTime",
a.delete_flag as "deleteFlag",
b.name as "packetName",
c.audit_user as "auditUser",
c.audit_time as "auditTime",
b.serial_number as "serialNumber"
d.packet_instance_id as "packetInstanceId"
from t_flow_packet_sub_task a
inner join t_basic_packet b on a.packet_define_id = b.id
inner join t_flow_packet_task c on a.packet_task_id = c.id
inner join t_flow_packet_sub_task_rel d on a.id = d.packet_sub_task_id
where a.delete_flag = 0
and a.status = 4
order by a.create_time
desc limit 0,20
[Error Code: 1064, SQL State: 42000] You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'd.packet_instance_id as "packetInstanceId"
from t_flow_packet_sub_task a
inner ' at line 19
Code: 1064 SQL State: 42000 --- You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'd.packet_instance_id as "packetInstanceId"
from t_flow_packet_sub_task a
inner ' at line 19
<select id="listMap" parameterType="Map" resultType="Map">
a.id as "id",
a.packet_task_id as "packetTaskId",
a.packet_define_id as "packetDefineId",
a.total_packet_count as "totalPacketCount",
a.packeted_count as "packetdCount",
a.status as "status",
a.start_packet_time as "startPacketTime",
a.end_packet_time as "endPacketTime",
a.packet_user as "packetUser",
a.create_user as "createUser",
a.create_time as "createTime",
a.last_user as "lastUser",
a.last_time as "lastTime",
a.delete_flag as "deleteFlag",
b.name as "packetName",
c.audit_user as "auditUser",
c.audit_time as "auditTime",
b.serial_number as "serialNumber"
d.packet_instance_id as "packetInstanceId"
<include refid="table_name"/>
inner join t_basic_packet b on a.packet_define_id = b.id
inner join t_flow_packet_task c on a.packet_task_id = c.id
inner join t_flow_packet_sub_task_rel d on a.id = d.packet_sub_task_id
where a.delete_flag = 0
<include refid="condition_sql"/>
<include refid="listmap_and_countmap_oneday_keyword_condition"/>
<if test=" _sort !=null and _sort != ''">
order by ${_sort}
<if test="_order !=null and _order != ''">
"code": "500",
"msg": "系统异常",
"data": {
"busiCode": "0",
"msg": "\r\n### Error querying database. Cause: java.sql.SQLSyntaxErrorException: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'd.packet_instance_id as \"packetInstanceId\"\n from\n t_flow_packet_sub_task ' at line 20\r\n### The error may exist in file [D:\\workplace\\sterilization_supplement_department\\target\\classes\\mapper\\mysql\\TFlowPacketSubTaskMapper.xml]\r\n### The error may involve cn.wisefly.ssd.flow.mapper.TFlowPacketSubTaskMapper.listMap-Inline\r\n### The error occurred while setting parameters\r\n### SQL: select a.id as \"id\", a.packet_task_id as \"packetTaskId\", a.packet_define_id as \"packetDefineId\", a.total_packet_count as \"totalPacketCount\", a.packeted_count as \"packetdCount\", a.status as \"status\", a.start_packet_time as \"startPacketTime\", a.end_packet_time as \"endPacketTime\", a.packet_user as \"packetUser\", a.create_user as \"createUser\", a.create_time as \"createTime\", a.last_user as \"lastUser\", a.last_time as \"lastTime\", a.delete_flag as \"deleteFlag\", b.name as \"packetName\", c.audit_user as \"auditUser\", c.audit_time as \"auditTime\", b.serial_number as \"serialNumber\" d.packet_instance_id as \"packetInstanceId\" from t_flow_packet_sub_task a inner join t_basic_packet b on a.packet_define_id = b.id inner join t_flow_packet_task c on a.packet_task_id = c.id inner join t_flow_packet_sub_task_rel d on a.id = d.packet_sub_task_id where a.delete_flag = 0 and a.status = ? order by a.create_time desc limit 0,20\r\n### Cause: java.sql.SQLSyntaxErrorException: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'd.packet_instance_id as \"packetInstanceId\"\n from\n t_flow_packet_sub_task ' at line 20\n; bad SQL grammar []; nested exception is java.sql.SQLSyntaxErrorException: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'd.packet_instance_id as \"packetInstanceId\"\n from\n t_flow_packet_sub_task ' at line 20"
### Error querying database. Cause: java.sql.SQLSyntaxErrorException: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'd.packet_instance_id as "packetInstanceId"
t_flow_packet_sub_task ' at line 20
### The error may exist in file [D:\workplace\sterilization_supplement_department\target\classes\mapper\mysql\TFlowPacketSubTaskMapper.xml]
### The error may involve cn.wisefly.ssd.flow.mapper.TFlowPacketSubTaskMapper.listMap-Inline
### The error occurred while setting parameters
### SQL: select a.id as "id", a.packet_task_id as "packetTaskId", a.packet_define_id as "packetDefineId", a.total_packet_count as "totalPacketCount", a.packeted_count as "packetdCount", a.status as "status", a.start_packet_time as "startPacketTime", a.end_packet_time as "endPacketTime", a.packet_user as "packetUser", a.create_user as "createUser", a.create_time as "createTime", a.last_user as "lastUser", a.last_time as "lastTime", a.delete_flag as "deleteFlag", b.name as "packetName", c.audit_user as "auditUser", c.audit_time as "auditTime", b.serial_number as "serialNumber" d.packet_instance_id as "packetInstanceId" from t_flow_packet_sub_task a inner join t_basic_packet b on a.packet_define_id = b.id inner join t_flow_packet_task c on a.packet_task_id = c.id inner join t_flow_packet_sub_task_rel d on a.id = d.packet_sub_task_id where a.delete_flag = 0 and a.status = ? order by a.create_time desc limit 0,20
### Cause: java.sql.SQLSyntaxErrorException: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'd.packet_instance_id as "packetInstanceId"
t_flow_packet_sub_task ' at line 20
; bad SQL grammar []; nested exception is java.sql.SQLSyntaxErrorException: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'd.packet_instance_id as "packetInstanceId"
t_flow_packet_sub_task ' at line 20
看报错可以看出又是 d.packet_instance_id as “packetInstanceId” 的问题,去mapper.xml一看发现又是没加逗号,怪不得在数据库跑的通而在测试环境报错。
- 别贪方便只在日志里看报错信息,固然日志里的报错信息非常全面,有时候日志里看的不明白的话,去idea里debug是个很好的选择。
- 报SQLSyntaxErrorException错的话多半是逗号的错(执念)